Red Diesel vs Regular Diesel: Understanding the Differences

person holding gas pump

One of the most used fuels worldwide is diesel. It is used in various applications, including transportation, agriculture, and construction, among others. However, there are different types of diesel fuels; the most notable ones are red diesel and regular diesel. This article will explore the differences between red and regular diesel and their applications.

Red Diesel

Red diesel is a type of diesel fuel that is dyed red to distinguish it from regular diesel. The dye is added to the fuel to indicate that it is intended for use in off-road vehicles and machinery, such as tractors, bulldozers, and generators. Red diesel, also called gas oil or 35-second oil, refers to its viscosity. Its chemical composition is similar to regular diesel but is subject to different regulations and taxes.

One of the most significant differences between red diesel and regular diesel is the tax rate. Red diesel is taxed lower than regular diesel because the former is intended for use in off-road vehicles and machinery, which do not require the same level of emissions control as road vehicles. This lower tax rate is also intended to support the agriculture and construction industries, which rely heavily on off-road vehicles and machinery.

Red diesel is also subject to different regulations than regular diesel. For example, using red diesel in a road vehicle is illegal, and doing so can result in fines or other penalties. The use of red diesel is also subject to strict regulations to prevent its misuse, such as dyeing the fuel red and requiring records of its purchase and use.

Regular Diesel

Regular diesel, also known as white diesel, is the standard diesel fuel used in road vehicles. It is subject to higher taxes and more stringent regulations than red diesel because of its use in vehicles that operate on public roads. Regular diesel is also subject to emissions regulations and must meet specific standards for sulphur content and other pollutants.

This diesel is widely used in transportation, including cars, buses, lorries, and trains. It also has many industrial applications, such as generators, pumps, and compressors. Regular diesel is pricier than red diesel because of the higher taxes and regulatory requirements.

Uses and Applications

The primary application of red diesel is in off-road vehicles and machinery. These vehicles and machinery are used in agriculture, construction, and other industries that require heavy-duty equipment. Moreover, generators and heating systems that are not connected to the main gas supply use red diesel. 

Regular diesel is intended for road vehicles, including cars, buses, lorries, and trains. As mentioned earlier, this diesel has many use cases. Apart from that, regular diesel is widely available at petrol stations and other fuel outlets.

In Summary

The differences between red diesel and regular diesel are primarily related to their taxation and regulation, as their chemical composition is similar. Red diesel is used mainly in off-road vehicles and machinery, as well as generators and heating systems without a main gas supply. Regular diesel is the standard diesel fuel used in road vehicles and is subject to higher taxes and more stringent regulations.

At Fuel Fixer, we assist motorists who have put the wrong fuel type in their vehicles. We have a team of mobile fuel drain technicians who can come to the car’s location and replace the incorrect fuel with the correct type. That way, you can prevent damage to the engine and other components of the vehicle, as well as avoid costly repairs.

Call us anytime at 0333 366 1081 to request our 24/7 fuel-draining service!

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