Petrol Contamination in Diesel Cars: Symptoms and Fixes

person holding a gas pump

Have you ever accidentally filled your diesel car with petrol? If so, you may have experienced some of the symptoms of petrol contamination in diesel vehicles. It can cause severe damage to the engine and lead to poor performance.

In this article, we will discuss the clear signs of petrol contamination in diesel cars and the fixes that can be applied to resolve the issue.

The Symptoms of Petrol Contamination in Diesel Cars

1. Engine Misfire

One of the most common symptoms of petrol contamination in diesel cars is engine misfire. This occurs when the fuel mixture in the engine is too rich, causing the engine to run poorly. This can cause the engine to shake and vibrate, leading to a loss of power and reduced fuel efficiency.

2. Difficult Starting

Another symptom of petrol contamination in diesel cars is its difficulty to start. The engine may take longer than normal to start or may not start at all. This is because petrol does not ignite as easily as diesel, and the spark plugs may not be able to ignite the fuel mixture.

3. Smoke from Exhaust

Petrol contamination in diesel cars can also cause smoke to come out of the exhaust. The smoke may be black or white and can be caused by incomplete combustion of the fuel mixture in the engine.

4. Strange Noises

When petrol is added to a diesel tank, it can cause the engine to make strange noises. This can include knocking, rattling or clunking sounds. These noises are a result of the engine struggling to combust the fuel mixture.

The Fixes for Petrol Contamination in Diesel Cars

1. Drain the Fuel Tank

The first step in fixing petrol contamination in diesel cars is to drain the fuel tank. This involves removing all of the contaminated fuel from it and replacing it with fresh diesel. This can be done by a mechanic or by the vehicle owner if they have the necessary equipment.

2. Replace Fuel Filters

Petrol contamination in diesel cars can also clog the fuel filters. Replacing these filters after draining the fuel tank is recommended to prevent any remaining contaminants from getting into the engine.

3. Clean the Fuel System

Cleaning the fuel system is another step in fixing petrol contamination in diesel cars. This involves using a special cleaning solution to flush out any remaining traces of contamination from the fuel lines, injectors and pump.

4. Check the Engine

Once the fuel system has been cleaned, checking the engine for any damage is essential. This can be done by a mechanic who will inspect the engine for any signs of wear and tear. If there is any damage, it may need to be repaired or replaced.

5. Prevent Future Contamination

To prevent future petrol contamination in diesel cars, it is important to be careful when filling up the tank. Always double-check that you are using the correct fuel before filling up, and never mix diesel and petrol.


Petrol contamination in diesel cars can cause serious damage to the engine, leading to costly repairs. It is crucial to be aware of the symptoms of petrol contamination and take action as soon as possible to prevent further damage. By draining the tank, replacing fuel filters, cleaning the fuel system, checking the engine for damage and being careful when filling up, you can prevent future contamination and keep your diesel car running smoothly.

If you are looking for wrong fuel specialists in the UK, look no further than our expertise here at Fuel Fixer. We are the leading wrong fuel specialists when it comes to erroneous gas fill-ups. Call us today and make yourself safe. Your car will be fixed while you wait.

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